Monday, September 15, 2008

Visit to the hospital

Today Joe and I were asked to visit a friend's neighbor in the hospital.  2 weeks ago he was caught in some crossfire between gangs and was shot in the back.  He now has a spinal cord injury and some other complications.   I think I have written on this before, but they often like us to go to the hospital to check in on people and make sure all that should be happening is happening.  The beauty of it is that medical charts are kept at the bedside.  No HIPPA forms involved,  I walk to the bedside and read through the whole medical chart and see what is going on. Sometimes it is a matter of explaining to the family the medical care.  Or sometimes suggesting something that seems to need to happen. In this guy's case, good care was being given.  The family called the MD in anyway, and I was able to hear the prognosis which he readily admitted he wasn't telling the family.  His injury is at T10 which means that he probably won't walk again.  This is very sad to think about considering where he lives.  Life as a paraplegic in an area of unpaved roads with wild traffic means you are quite restricted to your community mobility.  The family is extremely poor which is another reason they asked us to come by.   We were able to help with the bills and pray with the family that God would intervene.   

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